About us

LAWTREE helps entrepreneurs, companies, governments and private individuals when they need legal support. Although conducting legal proceedings before the courts is obviously an essential part of our duties, it is not our starting point.

We prefer to assume an advisory role and always work pragmatically towards the best solution for your business and your specific situation. LAWTREE tries to translate complex legal regulations into practical advice that is tailored to your business.

LAWTREE strives to become a strategic partner in your business operations and focuses on long-term collaboration. Together we look for opportunities and anticipate threats and risks to your business. LAWTREE combines know-how and experience with flexibility, cost efficiency and transparency. That way, you always know what to expect from our collaboration.

What we stand for

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For Entrepreneurs

LAWTREE is the legal sounding board for your company.

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Our experts each have their own field of expertise. This niche focus ensures that your case gets the right approach.

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We are easily accessible and communicate clearly and regularly.

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We keep up the pace that your case requires, so that you get the best service at all times.

Kato Wouters is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Arne Anné is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Fien Paulussen is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Labour law and social security law department.

Luna Fasoel is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Technology & design and Commercial law departments.

Mathieu Vereecke is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Public law department.

Annelien Druart is a lawyer at LAWTREE Advocaten and is active in the Labour law and social security law department.

Laura Staelens is management assistant at LAWTREE Lawyers at the office in Antwerp.

Cas Verboven is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Public law department.

Katrien Robberechts is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Insurance, liability and traffic department.

Charlotte Marivoet is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Insurance, liability and traffic department.

Hannelore Baum is management assistant at LAWTREE Lawyers at the office in Antwerp.

Jarne Goossens is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Labour law and social security law department.

Ellen Rubens is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Insurance, liability and traffic department.

Matthew Bonjean is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Public law department.

Fréderique Vissers is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Labor law and social security law department.

Sarah Broeckx is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law departement.

Cato Gogne is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Technology and design and Commercial law departments.

Geert Michiels is a partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the department Labour law and social security law.

Sarah de Kinder is management assistant at LAWTREE Lawyers at the office in Turnhout.

Romy Verbrugghe is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Sebastiaan Moeremans is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Construction and real estate department.

Niels Van den Heuvel is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Company law department.

Stijn Adriaensens is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Public law department together with Liesbeth Peeters.

Ward Borgmans is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Insurance, liability and traffic departement. In addition, he leads the Debt collection department.

Liesbeth Peeters is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Public law department together with Stijn Adriaensens.

Astrid Engelen is a lawyer at LAWTREE Advocaten and is active within the Public Law department.

Jessie Laeveren is management assistant at LAWTREE Lawyers at the office in Antwerp.

Clara Van Gestel is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Insurance, liability and traffic department.

Alexander Roosen is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Labour law and social security law department.

Elke De Cock is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Construction and real estate department.

Cato Van der Wee is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Isabel Broers is a paralegal at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Dept collection department.

Laurence Demesmaeker is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Construction and real estate department.

Margot De Gryse is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law and Commercial law departments.

Eline Jacobs is office manager at LAWTREE Advocaten for the offices in Antwerp and Turnhout.

Sanne Van den Abbeele is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law, Commercial law and Technology and design departments.

Wouter Thibaut is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Construction and real estate department.

Nicolas Wesling is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Technology and design and Commercial law departments.

Lotte Geerts is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Technology & design and Commercial law departments.

Kato Wouters is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Arne Anné is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Fien Paulussen is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Labour law and social security law department.

Luna Fasoel is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Technology & design and Commercial law departments.

Mathieu Vereecke is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Public law department.

Annelien Druart is a lawyer at LAWTREE Advocaten and is active in the Labour law and social security law department.

Laura Staelens is management assistant at LAWTREE Lawyers at the office in Antwerp.

Cas Verboven is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Public law department.

Katrien Robberechts is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Insurance, liability and traffic department.

Latest News

Bij de start van het gerechtelijk jaar zijn wij verheugd aan te kondigen dat Liesbeth Peeters haar rol binnen het kantoor zal voortzetten als partner. De samenwerking met Liesbeth nam aanvang in 2019 op een freelancebasis, maar groeide al snel uit tot een waardevolle relatie die in 2023 verder vorm kreeg in een counselstatuut.
Op 18 november 2022 voerden de inspectiediensten van de Rijksdienst voor Sociale Zekerheid (RSZ), Toezicht op de Sociale Wetten (TSW) en de FOD Financiën een onaangekondigde controle uit bij twee bedrijven in de Antwerpse Kempen, met ernaast een privéwoning. Hierbij werden tal van informatiedragers onderzocht en in beslag genomen, zo o.
Vanaf 1 januari 2024 zal de werknemer die arbeidsongeschikt wordt tijdens zijn vakantieperiode het recht hebben om zijn vakantiedagen om te zetten naar arbeidsongeschiktheid en deze vakantiedagen te behouden. De werknemer dient hiervoor onder meer een geldig medisch attest voor te leggen en zijn (tijdelijke) verblijfplaats te melden.