Commercial law

Customers, partners, distributors and competitors: each distribution chain is a network of different actors with different interests. LAWTREE Lawyers provides legally strong glue between all these parties through sales and cooperation conditions and watertight agreements. Such precautions prevent you from having to spend valuable time and financial resources on litigation. In the event of a conflict, we guarantee you a strong defence.

In addition, we go ‘all the way’ by guiding you in the pre-contractual process, negotiations and the drafting, checking or editing of agreements.

You only have to think of the (r)evolutions within e-commerce to realize that commercial law is constantly changing. Our experts keep close track of all changes in the law and will proactively assist you. So feel free to rely on our experience to safeguard your commercial interests.

Our experts

Nicolas Wesling is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Technology and design and Commercial law departments.

Cato Gogne is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Technology and design and Commercial law departments.

Margot De Gryse is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law and Commercial law departments.

Sanne Van den Abbeele is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law, Commercial law and Technology and design departments.

Lotte Geerts is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Technology & design and Commercial law departments.

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