Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Your business doesn’t stand still. Mergers and acquisitions can always happen.

  • In a merger, two or more companies form a new company.
  • In an acquisition, one company acquires another.

We transform a turning point for your company into a fully-fledged process, with a clear chronology and timing. We guide start-ups, scale-ups and established companies as well as investors through numerous transactions. Think of the:

  • transfer of shares,
  • management buyouts,
  • restructuring,
  • reorganizations
  • splits.

LAWTREE Lawyers ensures that you remain at cruising speed, but never rushes things. We consider the impact of every decision in the short and long term, and limit the risks to an absolute minimum.

LAWTREE Lawyers assists you in a due diligence investigation, conducting negotiations and drawing up all the necessary agreements and documents to bring your transaction to a successful conclusion.

Our experts

Cato Van der Wee is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Arne Anné is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Romy Verbrugghe is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Sarah Broeckx is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law departement.

Kato Wouters is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law department.

Niels Van den Heuvel is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Company law department.

Sanne Van den Abbeele is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law, Commercial law and Technology and design departments.

Margot De Gryse is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Company law and Commercial law departments.

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