Assistance to estate agents and building managers in disciplinary proceedings

A disciplinary investigation can easily be brought before the Professional Institute of the real estate agent by anyone, but may result in a temporary or permanent professional ban being imposed on a real estate agent or trustee as a disciplinary sanction. The assistance of a specialized lawyer is therefore appropriate.

LAWTREE Lawyers has extensive experience in conducting disciplinary proceedings before the Professional Institute of the real estate agent and offers real estate brokers and syndicates the specialized assistance they require.

Our experts

Sebastiaan Moeremans is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Construction and real estate department.

Laurence Demesmaeker is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Construction and real estate department.

Wouter Thibaut is partner at LAWTREE Lawyers and heads the Construction and real estate department.

Elke De Cock is a lawyer at LAWTREE Lawyers and is active in the Construction and real estate department.

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